Alstroemeria Mix 2.5D 风格SD模型下载

Alstroemeria Mix是一个基于 2.5D 风格模型与其他模型融合而成的CHECKPOINT MERGE模型。日式、2.5D,动漫二次元风,搭配一些lora,就可以生成非常好看的角色壁纸。

Alstroemeria Mix

This is a 2.5D style model based on my beloved model and merged with others.doll774


Models used for merging

The following models were used for merging.

I express my truly gratitude to all the authors of these models and their ancestors.


Additional information

The high-poly LoRA used for generating sample images can be downloaded from the link below.



Also, the actual values of the LoRA Block Weight used for generation are as follows.

  • NCNF: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0


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